Learning to be a parent
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Is the baby coming or not?
Our due date is on Monday. So when the weekend started a few days ago, we were full of expectations. Could it happen this weekend? And indeed: on the very first night of the weekend my wife had something that looked like contractions. In the early morning the contractions even kept her awake. So I skipped my early morning jogging so I could be near in case something happened.

But when she got out of bed, the contractions faded away slowly. Bummer. Next night: same thing but the contractions were weaker and kept her awake for a shorter amount of time than the day before. We consulted the midwife in the morning. She thought the womb was just 'training' for the actual birthing process. And that seems to be true because it's now Sunday evening and the day passed by uneventful. So we have to wait.

The actual birthing process is going to be special for you non-Dutch by the way. Here in The Netherlands we have the tradition to deliver at home. We only go to a hospital in emergencies or special cases like breech births. Home deliveries seems to be one of the key components of 'natural parenting', which is a way of parenting that in fashion nowadays. Anyway: you can be sure I'll report the home delivery in detail :)

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