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Product review: baby carriers part 1: BabyBag of Premaxx

Our baby is about 6 months and we have tried 4 different baby carriers, so I guess it's time to review them. In the shopping spree, before our baby was born, we'd picked the Baby-Bag of Premaxx of the shelves. We had the choice between that and the traditional baby sling cloth. Since the traditional way of carrying the baby looked harder to learn, we opted for the Baby-Bag.

But we soon found out that the Baby-Bag wasn't that easy either. The first time we put her in the bag was relative successful (well, after the second try), but after that we just couldn't get our baby in a good lying position in the bag. And our little girl didn't give us the time to experiment a bit. Even try-outs with a doll weren't that successful. The doll as well as the baby were almost locked up in the bag. You almost could not see her and that was different from that what we had seen on the pictures. Furthermore: our baby was rolled up like a hedgehog. One time I decided to walk with the Baby-Bag although the position of the baby wasn't perfect. I ended up still holding the baby to make her back more straight. If I didn't do that, I could hear her breathing, which indicated that she wasn't in a good position to breathe freely.

Maybe we are just ignorant consumers, but we just could not handle the Baby-Bag. So that's when our search for other alternatives started. But now that our baby is 6 months we may try to use the Baby-Bag again. After about 5 months you can do the sitting position (by the way: that's not me on that picture).

What we didn't know at the time, but what we learned fast was that babies in general don't like to be put in a carrier. But when everything is put in place, you have to WALK. Walking makes the baby quiet and many times eventually makes her go to sleep.

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